Gujarat is a lead industrial state of india and Ahmedabad is the hub of industrial Gujarat. Once called the Manchester of india Ahmedabad heralded the industrial age in gujarat. Ahmedabad is always on the forefront of cutting edge technologies. Chauhan Group at GIDC-Naroda in Ahmedabad is a fully integrated state-of-the-art manufacturing facility specializing in the production of HVAC&R components and systems. We as a group specialise in the manufacturing and marketing technologically the latest in air conditioning and circulating equipment. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced engineers backed by highly skilled and trained technical staff. Our planners designers and engineers regularly go through up-gradation drills to match up to international standards. We have a dedicated R&D division t hat helps improve and keep innovating and updating our technologies. We specialise in the entire gamut of Air handling technologies to suit industrial and other needs. We have an unblemished record of adhering to high technical standards while designing manufacturing and executing installation of air handling units. We undertake turnkey projects of humidication and ventilation and work out customized designs as per requirements and the prescribed specifications and requirements of the clients. Chauhan Group has been successfully in HVAC&R business for the last 25 years.
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Ahmedabad, Gujarat